Agenda Item





Audit and Governance Committee

 21 January 2022


Report of the Head of Internal Audit


Counter Fraud Framework Update



1          This report provides an update to the committee following the annual review of the counter fraud framework. It includes updates to the counter fraud and corruption policy, counter fraud strategy action plan, and to the fraud risk assessment. It also includes a brief summary of national and local trends in counter fraud.


2          Fraud remains a serious risk to the public sector in the UK. When fraud is committed against the public sector, money is diverted from public services into the hands of criminals. Fraudsters are constantly refining their tactics and techniques in order to circumvent the checks and controls put in place to prevent fraud from occurring. In order to protect income and assets public sector bodies must continuously develop their counter fraud measures to meet evolving threats. As part of the counter fraud service provided to the council, Veritau conducts an annual review of the counter fraud framework. This report presents the outcome of the latest review.


Counter Fraud Framework Review


3          Annex 1 presents the outcomes from the latest review of the counter fraud framework.



4          Not relevant for the purpose of the report.


5          Not relevant for the purpose of the report.


6          Not relevant for the purpose of the report.

Council Plan

7          The work of internal audit and counter fraud supports overall aims and priorities by promoting probity, integrity and honesty and by helping to make the council a more effective organisation.


8          There are no implications to this report in relation to:

·                  Finance

·                  Human Resources (HR)

·                  Equalities

·                  Legal

·                  Crime and Disorder

·                  Information Technology (IT)

·                  Property

Risk Management Assessment

9          The council will fail to comply with proper practice if counter fraud and corruption arrangements are not reviewed periodically.


10      Members are asked to;

-              comment on the updated Counter Fraud and Corruption policy at appendix C of annex 1, prior to approval by officers

-              note the updated Fraud Risk Assessment and Counter Fraud and Corruption Strategy action plan at appendices A and B of annex 1


In accordance with the committee’s responsibility for assessing the effectiveness of the Council’s counter fraud arrangements.



Contact Details


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


Max Thomas

Head of Internal Audit

Veritau Limited

Telephone: 01904 552940




Janie Berry

Director of Governance

Legal Services

Telephone: 01904 555385


Report Approved



12 January 2022


Specialist Implications Officers


Not applicable


Wards Affected: Not applicable





For further information please contact the author of the report


Background Papers






Annex 1 – Counter fraud framework report